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What is BHHH?

Boyle Heights is a place where many people come to do art around here.  They show how they feel, and how they care about their community.  Boyle Heights is a city that is inspirational for artist and others alike.  "Every artist dips his brush in his soul and paints his own nature in his picture." -Henry Ward Beecher.  Boyle Heights has much history, the past, present, and future.  All full of memories and great caring people. 


The 3rd Annual Extera Public Schools

Boyle Heights History Hike (BHHH) is a hike about the past, present and future of Natural History and Animals, Family Traditions, Murals, Native Peoples, Japanese Internmint Camps, Los Angeles River, Immigration and Gentrification, and Sustainable Culinary Arts in Boyle Heights. 

Extera Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th , and 7th grade students will be showcasing their art work that depicts the past, present, and future of Boyle Heights.  Works will be located at multiple locations throughout Boyle Heights, including Mariachi Plaza, White Memorial, Primera Taza, The Garage, Lot to Spot, Benjamin Franklin Library, City Hall, Casa 101, and Facha Patoto.

You'll get to hear about the history of our beautiful city from US! We are excited to share our work with you, transport you to the past, talk to you about the present, and take you to the future!

Come take a walk through our beautiful city, enjoy the streets, enjoy our art work, put a smile on your face, and at the end of the hike enjoy student performances.




We want to thank the following:


Primera Taza

The Garage

White Memorial Medical Center

Casa 101

Benjamin Franklin Library

From Lot to Spot


Boyle Heights City Hall

Self Help Graphics

Facha Patoto

Mariachi Plaza

Revolution Foods

Libro Schmibros












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